Believe Glitter Canvas

Holiday Glitter CanvasI was sent some amazing Michaels Recollections glitter to craft with. Lots and lots of glitter. And I don’t know about you, but I think the holidays are the perfect time to add some sparkle. Christmas to me is all about snowflakes and magic and the holiday spirit… and glitter helps to capture all of those. And Michaels Recollections glitter is a super inexpensive way to add some sparkle to the holidays, since it starts at $3.99.

To the glitter I was sent, I added a canvas (also available at Michaels), a paintbrush, and some ModPodge.

Michaels glitterAs you can see, the Michaels Reccolections glitter comes in all kinds of colors and textures, I used fine glitter for this project but that tinsel looks fun for an ornament I have in mind. You can purchase the glitter individually, or in packaged sets if you want some fun variety.

With a pencil, I lightly wrote “Believe” on my canvas. I think this one word is my mantra for December… I believe in Santa, in miracles, in the magic of the season… and that I can accomplish my to-do list by December 25th.

write with pencil

Then I went over my pencil lines with a brush heavily laden with Mod Podge.

write with mod podge

Quickly, before the Mod Podge dried too much, I sprinkled white glitter over the top of my letters, and the blue over the bottom of my letters.

first round of glitterUnable to wait, I shook the glitter off the page and ended up with this. Where the Mod Podge had dried, no glitter stayed. Which actually looks super cool. But wasn’t quite what I was after.

Believe Canvas with first set of glitter

So I filled in the letters with more Mod Podge…

add in more mod podge

And added another layer of glitter.

second round of glitter

I shook that glitter off… and had exactly what I was looking for!

Believe Glitter Canvas

The Michaels Recollections Glitter is great for a variety of craft projects… this canvas is just a jumping-off point. All kinds of decor, ornaments, and even gift wrap could benefit from a little sparkle this holiday!

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