A tulle skirt is a fun way to add flair to any outfit – no matter your age! You can whip up a tulle skirt in just 20 minutes! Wear your tulle to a race, a party, or just around the house if you’re feeling a little funky!
You’ll need:
2-3 yards of Tulle (buy at any craft store that sells fabric)
Wide elastic (at least 1″ wide, but 2″ is better)
Sewing Machine or Serger
Measure the elastic around the waist of the person who will be wearing the skirt. You’ll want it to be snug, but not too tight. Cut.
Put the two ends together, and serge, or use a stretch-stitch on your sewing machine.
Place the elastic face-up on the serrger or sewing machine. Put the edge of the tulle on top. Every 1″, add a pleat. You can measure exactly, but you’ll get a feel for it, and it will be pretty close.
When you get all the way around, overlap 4-6″ of the tulle, and keep sewing and pleating.
Secure the ends of your threads, and you’re all done!
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