As I was walking through Michael’s Crafts Store, I saw these adorable lock and key brads. I knew they would make the perfect card! I love lock and key symbols for Valentine’s Day, so I looked up Valentine’s Card designs in Cricut Design Space. I simplified and adjusted the “Dear to my Heart” card that is free in Design Space if you have Cricut Access. I’ll link to my revised versions of the card below so that you don’t have to make any adjustments, you can just cut them out yourself to make both versions of the Locked Heart Valentine’s Day Card.
This project is part of a fun week of Cricut Valentine’s projects that my friends Angie from The Country Chic Cottage, Jen from 100 Directions, and other friends from around the internet are joining together on. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you can check out lots of Valentine’s projects that you can make using a Cricut Machine!
To make the Locked Heart Valentine’s Day Card, you’ll need:
Double-sided 12×12 cardstock
Cricut Machine
Scoring Stylus
Lock and Key Brads (for one version)
Hot Glue Gun
Cut out either the locked heart card using brads or the locked heart card without brads.
If you’re using paper with a directional print, be sure to place the paper right-side-up on the mat. Otherwise you’ll end up with something that looks like this:
To keep the cardstock from curling, peel the mat from the cardstock instead of the cardstock from the mat.
Fold the envelope on the score lines.
For the version with the brads, put the prongs of the brad through the heart and then through the envelope.
Then glue the envelope flaps closed.
The top flap of the envelope rests under the heart to hold the envelope shut.
For the version without the brads, slip the toungues into the grooves to secure the heart in place before gluing the envelope together.
For the card, fold the creases to put together the gate-fold card.
Place the heart on top. If you’re using the non-brad version, the tounges and grooves will line up. For the version with the brads, place the lock brad through the heart and through the back of the card before securing.
Before closing up the card, write whatever sentiment you want to offer your loved one.
I love the way the double-sided cardstock really makes the heart pop!
All done! Gift your Locked Heart Valentine’s Day Card to someone special!
Be sure to scroll all the way down and check out all these other great Valentine’s Day projects you can make with your Cricut machine!

[…] Locked Heart Valentine’s Day Card […]