When I think of Patriotic holidays, the 4th of July always comes to mind. And with it – sparklers! Kids naturally love things that sparkle, and as a mom I naturally worry about safety! That’s where these no-flame sparkers come in!
Thes no-flame sparklers are part of a week-long series I’m co-hosting with my friends Angie from the Country Chic Cottage and Beth from Kingston Crafts. Scroll down to check out their Patriotic inspired crafts that can be made in 15 minutes or less – and those of some of our crafty friends who are joining in for this Craft Lightning Patriotic week!

To make this No-Flame Sparkler, you’ll need:
- Stick or Dowel
- Plastic Shopping Bag
- Small Battery-operated light
- Hot Glue
- Sparkle Paint and paintbrush

Cut a star out of a double-layer of plastic bag. I used a small star, but a larger star might be even better!

Hot glue the light to the end of the stick. This was a light I found in the floral section of my craft store. Make sure that when you glue it down, you still have access to the on/off switch.

Glue the light to the bag, and glue all the edges of the two stars together, sandwiching the star in the middle.
Paint with sparkle paint, allow to dry, then get ready for some no-flame sparkle action!

Check out all these other fast and fun Patriotic Inspired craft ideas:
Leanne from Organize and Decorate Everything has a whole Patriotic Party Spread.

Find the cutest patriotic themed onesie over at Doodlecraft.

Our Crafty Mom made a fun twine-wrapped mason jar.

Learn how to make this patriotic wooden sign over at One Project Closer.

Laura Kelly shares fun ideas for making Patriotic Painted Rocks.

Jessca at Mad in Crafts made this fun Mason Jar Chalkboard with a patriotic theme.

Beth from Kingston Crafts made these great Patriotic Planters.

Angie from the Country Chic Cottage made this fantastic wooden Uncle Sam.

I love these ideas! So much fun.